Thursday, March 1, 2007

Truth v. Belief

Truth is what "is."

Truth is that which is real, true, or truth. Truth is that which is actual.

It's another way of saying that 'Truth' isn't simply "what is 'believed.' " What is 'believed' is subjective and may or may not have anything to do with reality. Sometimes belief is nothing more than fantasy.

So 'belief' may not have a 1 to 1 relationship with reality.

The only time belief is legitimized is when that which is believed is objectively true. Truth (or actuality) legitimizes belief. Anything less isn't really "truth"-- it's just belief.

The Point: Belief does not equal truth. And just as 'belief' doesn't create truth... neither does disbelief destroy truth.

Truth is 'truth' because it is 'true,' not simply because it is believed.