Earlier today, a friend of mine told me that life was beating him down. He asked what I thought about it, and I wanted to share it with you.
When Life Beats You Down
When you feel this way, I suggest that you determine whether what is happening is (a) God (b) Satan or (c) a little of both- - and, hint, it's probably "c."
When Life Beats You Down
When you feel this way, I suggest that you determine whether what is happening is (a) God (b) Satan or (c) a little of both- - and, hint, it's probably "c."
If God is doing it. First, if it's God that's doing it, then whatever pain you're going through is designed for your good and for your betterment. If God crushes us, it's not for our destruction, but to squeeze the bad stuff out-- those things that will drag us down and, ultimately, destroy us. Also, the crushing is allowed in order to build our character and to strengthen us for the opportunities ahead. The idea is that unless God replaces our "little boy" (or "little girl") with "manhood" (womanhood), then the weak little boy/girl inside of us will wimper and pout when tough times come-- and we won't be strong enough and MAN/WOMAN ENOUGH to do what He wants us to do.
So this is a necessary part of making us 100% man. As you know, lots of guys who are 20, 30, even 40-- are older, but they've never become men yet. So God places an opportunity before you. If we face it down, handle the pain and push through-- then we become all He's made us to be, and when the opportunities come-- we meet the challenge and capitalize and rock it. So, opportunity WILL COME- the question is, will be ready for it when it happens?
So work hard at eating these challenges and the pain, and use the pain as fuel and allow it to capitalize and strengthen your inner being. You're tough on the outside-- you can take tons of punishment. So IF God's doing it, then it's for your good.
So this is a necessary part of making us 100% man. As you know, lots of guys who are 20, 30, even 40-- are older, but they've never become men yet. So God places an opportunity before you. If we face it down, handle the pain and push through-- then we become all He's made us to be, and when the opportunities come-- we meet the challenge and capitalize and rock it. So, opportunity WILL COME- the question is, will be ready for it when it happens?
So work hard at eating these challenges and the pain, and use the pain as fuel and allow it to capitalize and strengthen your inner being. You're tough on the outside-- you can take tons of punishment. So IF God's doing it, then it's for your good.
If it's Satan doing it. You know, I've said many, many times to my wife Kristy that life tries to crush you in your late 20s and early 30s. God sometimes allows Satan to get to us-- and when he does, two things are going on. On God's side, it's to push out impurities and build strength. On Satan's side, it's intended to crush you.
Now, remember 1 Corinthians 10:13. I'd read that. Basically the point of it is that God promises never to let us face more than we can bear. So know that IF you have these problems you're facing-- then you already know that God has determined that you are strong enough to overcome it. But that doesn't mean you're necessarily going to win and learn all you should. God will let you make mistakes and fail sometimes, as you know. But Satan is given sometimes the opportunity to work you over.
Now, while God means it for good, Satan wants to spank you and to discourage you and to cause you to settle for second (um, third, even fourth) best. These are the years that many people get the beat down-- and if... IF-- watch that, "IF" you can push through the pain, the disappointment, the hurt, and the frustration... and IF you make the decision to stubbornly refuse to quit and decide to get up every time-- then the forces that want to force you to settle will ULTIMATELY submit. And sooner or later, you'll make it through the woods and out of the desert. And when you do, you'll have a type of unstoppablity that few experience.
Now, remember 1 Corinthians 10:13. I'd read that. Basically the point of it is that God promises never to let us face more than we can bear. So know that IF you have these problems you're facing-- then you already know that God has determined that you are strong enough to overcome it. But that doesn't mean you're necessarily going to win and learn all you should. God will let you make mistakes and fail sometimes, as you know. But Satan is given sometimes the opportunity to work you over.
Now, while God means it for good, Satan wants to spank you and to discourage you and to cause you to settle for second (um, third, even fourth) best. These are the years that many people get the beat down-- and if... IF-- watch that, "IF" you can push through the pain, the disappointment, the hurt, and the frustration... and IF you make the decision to stubbornly refuse to quit and decide to get up every time-- then the forces that want to force you to settle will ULTIMATELY submit. And sooner or later, you'll make it through the woods and out of the desert. And when you do, you'll have a type of unstoppablity that few experience.
Think of it this way-- where God wants to take you in life-- He knows you won't be able to get there and be successful unless He does this major work of maturing and strengthening you. I think most people settle or God doesn't even allow them to be tested in the ways others are tested.
So, it's all in how you approach it.
So, it's all in how you approach it.