Yep, you heard right...
Just this week, a report circulated that a UFO appeared in the skies of China.
Was it real? Was it legit?
First, you are only likely to believe there was a UFO in China "if" you believe in UFOs in the first place. Meaning, depending on your "plausibility perspective."
That is, if you do not think something is possible (plausible), then you won't believe it in the first place. So if you don't believe in UFOs, you won't believe there "was one" in China this week. On the other hand, if you think it is plausible that there are UFOs-- then you are probably inclined to believe there "might have been" a UFO in China.
The point is this: If you don't believe something is plausible, you probably won't count on it.
This plausibility perspective not only relates to Chinese UFOs, but also to believing God for things. If you don't believe God is willing to do something, or if you don't believe God is ABLE to do something, then He probably won't. God usually acts in accordance with our faith.
In Matthew 9, some men asked Jesus to heal them of their blindness. He asked them, "Do you believe I can?" They said, "yes."
Well, in fact they DID believe-- and were healed. But had they NOT actually believed, they wouldn't have been healed. The point is that God gave to them "according to their faith." He often does that.
Jesus himself even said, "According to your faith, it will be given to you" (Matthew 9:29).
So if we don't think something is even possible-- we won't believe it will happen. If we DO believe something is possible, it might be.
With God "all things" are possible-- but God wants us to believe in Him and express faith in Him. That leads me to this question: What dream have you already given up on? What do you already assume won't happen? OK, well it probably won't.
But if you will believe God and if you ask according to His Will-- with complete faith that He is able to do it, then expect Him to act.
If you struggle with this, then your plausibility perspective may be limiting your faith in God... and limiting what God will do in and through your life.